coming soon: patients will have access to resources, videos, and much more
ADHD Services and Resources coming soon!
Our treatment plan is as follows: M.E.D.S.
M: Medication, Mindfulness, Motivation
E: Exercises, Environment, Education
D: Diet (evaluate nutrition and address deficiencies and nutrients/ labs/ hormones)
S: Sleep, Supplements, Spirituality, Structure, Self awareness, Self acceptance, Self discipline Self care,
Educational Consulting
School is your child’s workplace, yet not all school programs are designed to meet the individual needs of all children. Options do exist within both the public and private school systems as well as the college setting to help students who need an alternative approach to learning. We can also assist with work place accommodations to help you succeed.
Helpful websites and 504, IEP and Accommodations Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center
Additude Magazine is amazing and my go to resource. Their website and youtube channel has so much information that it should be saved as a bookmark.
The website: ADDitude
End the Stigma on meds with facts:
Why Stimulant Medication Helps ADHD -- and How Stigma Can Hurt
How to Optimize ADHD Stimulant Treatment for Children and Adults (w/ Thomas Brown, Ph.D.)
ADHD Medication Management: How to Use and Adjust Stimulants Safely (with William Dodson, MD)
How to Optimize ADHD Medication to Achieve Better Symptom Management (w/ William Dodson, M.D.)
Myths about ADHD Stimulant Medications
Why Use Medications to Manage ADHD?